Thursday, November 19, 2009

Upcoming Sessions!

Hey guys! We have three great sessions coming up in the next week!

Weight of the World
Tuesday, November 24th
6:30 - 9:00 PM

A National Film Board and CBC production with David Suzuki via videoconference.
Families, students, teachers and the public are invited to take part in a free interactive evening to build solutions for a healthier life. Participants will receive a toolkit to help develop fitness and nutrition plans at school and at home.

Call the library @ 403.752.4785 or come in to sign up!

Law @ Lunch-Don't Leave Home Without It: Legal Information for Travelers
Wednesday, November 25th
12:00 PM - 1:30 PM

What are the potential legal pitfalls involved in travel? What kinds of steps can the informed traveler take to try to avoid them? This general introduction to law and travel is
your chance to find out. Topics include:
• Rights and responsibilities of travelers, travel agents, hotels, and airlines, buses or trains
• Dealing with foreign businesses; and
• Health and travel insurance.

The Uninvited Guest: Family Stress
Wednesday, November 25th
6:30 - 8:00 PM

This presentation will focus on recognizing the signs and symptoms of the home invader “stress” in individuals and within the family, the common triggers that open the door to this unwelcome guest (also known as “stress response”), how to cope when the “stress beast” moves into the
residents of the home, and how to know when the “stress pest” has progressed and become even-less-desirable “Depression” and what to do if this happens.

Call the library @ 403.752.4785 or come in to receive more information or to sign up!

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